Tuesday, June 17, 2014

World War I humor for German troops at the front

This is one of the craziest things I've ever seen, and that's saying a lot. This is from a German magazine provided to troops for relaxation and entertainment during WWI. Dated June 19, 1915, this is from the Humor column, of Die Wacht im Osten

And the little anecdote is, a very pious Jewish guy goes to the Wonder-rabbi of Sadagora and asks him who is going to win the war. The rabbi replies, God - Gott. "Gott," asks the man. "Explain it to me?" The rabbi replies, yes, Gott - it stands for G/ermanen O/sterreicher and T/uerkishchen T/rupen.


  1. German humor tends to be a bit heavy-handed. A better example of this joke genre is a perush I once heard on the phrase, Va-timmale ha-aretz chamas ("And the land was full of violence/injustice," Gen. 6:11): "Chamas" = Chust, Munkatch, and Sziget, ve-yesh omrim Satmar."

  2. Using Rashei Teivot in humor is very common. For example, see here:


  3. Bear in mind that the sadigora was a sworn enemy of the czar.

  4. אין אידישע (אין סטיל פון אלטמאדישע ע"ט) איבערזעצונג:

    צום דעם וואונדער-ראבין פון סאדעגורע קומט איין פרומע יודע אונד פרעגט איהם: "זאג, רבי, ווערט ווירד זיגן?"
    "גאטט," אנטווארט דער וואונדערמאן.

    "גאט?!, ערקלערט מיר דאס, רבי!"
    "גאטט ווירד זיגן, דען: ג - דאס זינד די גערמאנען, א - די אסטרייכער, טט, די טורקישען טרופען, פארשטייסט דו די דייטונג (באדייט)?!"



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