From page שפח of by אמת ליעקב by R. Yaakov Kamenetsky:
וראיתי בחמשה חומשי תורה עם הגהות מן כתבי יד עתיקים (מן כ. ד. גינזבורג-לונדון תרס"ט) שהביא נוסחא...א
"I saw in the Torah with variant readings from manuscripts published by Christian David Ginsburg (London, 1909)..." [this, probably].
It goes on to cite a reading in the Samaritan Torah, the חומש השומרונים.
Why this post? No special reason except that in the future when people google some variation of R. Yaakov Kamenetzky and שמע האמת ממי שאמרה or "accept the truth" or "kabel et ha-emet mi-mi she-amaro" or anything to do with variant readings, manuscripts, the Samaritan Torah (or Pentateuch) then the truth will pop up, archived right here: the author of אמת ליעקב did indeed seek the אמת where it could be found. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't read this or that or this publishing house or this author.
(Two posts on C. D. Ginsburg: I, II.
Also, six volumes of Ginsburg's work The Massorah can be found at here, where they write
It goes on to cite a reading in the Samaritan Torah, the חומש השומרונים.
Why this post? No special reason except that in the future when people google some variation of R. Yaakov Kamenetzky and שמע האמת ממי שאמרה or "accept the truth" or "kabel et ha-emet mi-mi she-amaro" or anything to do with variant readings, manuscripts, the Samaritan Torah (or Pentateuch) then the truth will pop up, archived right here: the author of אמת ליעקב did indeed seek the אמת where it could be found. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't read this or that or this publishing house or this author.
(Two posts on C. D. Ginsburg: I, II.
Also, six volumes of Ginsburg's work The Massorah can be found at here, where they write
The Massorah is an encyclopedic work siting all various readings of the Tanach from different manuscripts through out the world. In the first four volumes, the original text of the masorah (in Hebrew) is arranged alphabetically with many additional notes drawn from manuscripts. The fifth volume contains supplements, and some masoretic tractates. The sixth volume renders into English all Hebrew entries of the first volume up to the letter "yod," with explanatory notes. Christian David Ginsburg himself was a Jewish apostate who originally learned in the Yeshivas of Poland but later converted to Christianity (thus adopting the name Christian) and moved to England. Inspite of his personal status his works are still cited and used by many present day talmidei chachamim and serve as an invaluable work towards preserving the massorah of the correct text of Tanach.In fact, his work contains errors that the intervening 100+ years of massoretic scholarship advanced from, but it is still a monumental labor even if dated.)