One day I was lazily browsing through a microfiche reel and I suddenly stopped. It was the long lost semicha certificate of Samuel David Luzzatto! I copied it and promptly took it home and asked Dan Klein to translate it for me.
Actually, I kid. I was looking for it of course. After Shadal's passing in 1865, his son Isaia made it his business to collect and publish as much of his father's literary legacy as he could (or wanted to; I've seen one too many references to letters in archives that contained more material than was actually published in, e.g., Igrot Shadal). One interesting thing, which he evidently considered fairly ephemeral, he chose to publish in August of 1877 in a magazine called the Corriere Israelitico (and, unfortunately, only in Italian translation without the original Hebrew). This was the text of a certificate of rabbinic ordination awarded to Shadal by the Chief Rabbi of Gorizia.
In his own memoirs Shadal writes that his primary teacher, Rabbi Eliezer Abraham Ha-levi of Trieste, informed him at age 15 that he could be on track to receive rabbinic ordination at age 20 if he chooses. Shadal, however, did not consider himself suited for the rabbinate, being shy on the one hand, and dramatic and harboring lofty visions of scholarship for its own sake, on the other. So he declined. To which his rabbi remarked: "Luzzatto wants to be a hakham, but not a rav."
As shocking as this sounds now, apparently in Italy one was called to the Torah as one had been ordained. (I know!) Thus, even if you were already a world-renowned talmid hakham, and even the teacher of a rising percentage of all the Italian rabbis to-be, without rabbinic ordination one could not be called to the Torah as a rabbi, not even Shadal.
So digging through the dusty, squeaky, heat-emitting microfilms I located Isaia's article, took it home, and shared it with my friend Dan Klein who was inspired to translate it. Read - or skip - to the end.
Actually, the article consists of two separate documents, and a short letter by Shadal. Isaia explains that the first is a recommendation letter by the Chief Rabbi of Trieste (Abram de Cologna, formerly the Chief Rabbi of Paris) and the second is the text of a semicha granted to his father by Isaac Samuel Reggio's (Yashar) father, Rabbi Abraham Reggio. Included is SDL's reply to the elder Reggio. Although Isaia is not completely sure, he guesses that the reason this ordination was given to his 38 year old father was that the powers-that-be at the Rabbinical Seminary where Shadal taught considered it unseemly for him, one of its two teachers, to lack ordination, and instructed him to get it. This would make sense, as why else would he have gotten such an honorary degree, so to speak, from his friend's father? Perhaps the rabbi was the only one he didn't feel like a fool writing to ask for it. On the other hand, perhaps someone else (the younger Reggio himself, for example) was the one who asked for it. The latter interpretation might be inferred from Shadal's response to the semicha, also included here, in which he says it was "unexpected." Taken literally - it was unexpected. In any case, here it is.
Thanks, Dan! - S.
PS A partial translation of this article did appear once before, but it is long lost, I believe. If and when I publish my Shadal essays both versions will appear, at least if Dan is kind enough to give his permission to me.
A Certificate and a Diploma for Samuel David Luzzatto
I believe I am doing something that
will be appreciated by the readers of the Corriere, and
especially by the people of Trieste, by offering them two unedited
documents regarding the life of my revered father and their
illustrious fellow citizen, extracting these documents from a long
series of Materials Concerning the Life of Samuel David Luzzatto
that I am busily collecting, and
for the compilation of which I appeal for the cooperation of all the
friends of S.D.L., but especially that of his scholars, those of the
Schools of Padua and Trieste, some of whom have already accepted my
proposal most eagerly.
It is
only proper that these documents should see the light of day for the
first time in that Trieste which gave him birth, and which still
preserves so vividly the traditions of that Samuel David
son of the "tornidor" of Pondares,1
who, as long as he lived,
gloried in being its son.
first of these documents is in Italian, because it evidently was made
use of in the application for the professorship at the Istituto
Rabbinico of Padua.
The second, which is actually a
rabbinic diploma, set forth in Hebrew and written in the antique
style on parchment, was translated into Italian at my request by my
dear friend, His Excellency Moisè
Coen Porto, Chief Rabbi of Venice,2
overcoming more than a few difficulties that arose in the translation
process whenever an exact and faithful version was sought to be made,
rather than a free paraphrase. Whenever a request is made to me to
publish the original itself in some Hebrew publication, I will
willingly furnish a copy.
This document was written on April 26,
1838, and in a letter written two weeks later (May 10, 1838) by the
illustrious Isaac Reggio to my father, I find the following
postscript: "After having written the present letter, today your
paper directly reached His Excellency my father [Abraham Reggio], who
renders thanks to you for the courteous expressions used in his
Concerning the relevant request that
must have been made by my father, I have found nothing, either in the
copies of his letters or the letters in his own hand in my
possession. However, from a letter of his of April 19, 1838, I
perceive that on the previous day he had arrived in Gorizia, taking
lodging in the Reggio home.
With respect to the motive that
could have induced him to seek this title of Hakham, although it was
quite alien to his nature to seek titles, lacking for the time being
any positive information, I will make a simple hypothesis: I suppose
that since his distinguished colleague, Prof. Lelio della Torre, had
already been bestowed with the title of Rabbi, while my father
possessed merely that of Maskil ve-Navon, as may be inferred
from this document itself, the director of the Institute wanted my
father, for the sake of the Institute's own dignity, to procure a
similar title from some distinguished rabbi, especially for the
solemnities attending the opening and closing of the Collegio, which
were probably conducted in the synagogue, and that my father, having
gone to Trieste and Gorizia in April 1838, spoke about it with
Dr. Isaia Luzzatto
Padua, June 27, 1877*
* After having written the above, I
found within a bundle of various autograph writings of my father a
rough copy of a letter addressed, on May 8, 1838, to His Excellency
R. Abraham Reggio, which I transcribe here in its entirety:
Most excellent
The most
honorable letter of Your exalted Excellency3
and the attached Diploma were as sweet to me as they were
and they afforded me a new proof of that goodness which so eminently
distinguishes your character. I will always regard as the greatest
of my honors the approbation of the venerable Nestor5
of the Rabbis of our age, whose wisdom, piety, and virtue I affirm as
equally exemplary, notable, and renowned.
May Your exalted
Excellency continue to inspire, for many more happy years, the joy of
all those who have the good fortune of knowing you, and to receive
the deserved homage of your admirers and devotees, among whom will
always have the glory of being counted.
Your humble and most obedient
Padua, May 8, 1838
Here, then, are the two documents:
by Rabbi Cologna
I attest that Signor Samuel David
Luzzatto, a native of Trieste, is recognized here as a man of
exemplary morality and of the finest character; that he is
distinguished for his vast knowledge in various branches of
literature, both sacred and secular; that he is a professor of Hebrew
language and sacred exegesis, and is a profound philologist; and that
he has acquired a distinguished reputation as the author of various
compositions published by him, which have obtained full approbation
on the part of the literary public.
I attest, then, that the said S. D.
Luzzatto is, in my judgment, indisputably capable of occupying, with
respect to said subjects, the chair of Professor in a Rabbinical
Chief Rabbi A. Cologna
Trieste, November 11, 1827
In the Name of God
O contemporaries, see this new flask
that is full of old wine, the oldest, without adulteration. An
all-containing cluster, a reasoning thinker and intellectual like
Halcol and Darda†,
in Bible as well as in Mishnah and Gemara.
This star that emits a splendid light
is the wise and intelligent Signor Samuel David Luzzatto, Professor
at the Collegio Rabbinico of the famed city of Padua. The lion of
society, who points the plain way to men of heart who eagerly learn
in his school the statutes and laws of God in clear language.
Renowned grammarian of the twenty-four books, celebrated poet in
rhyme and meter. Behold, it is he who, from the chair of
instruction, guides them on the path so that they may know and make
known the things prohibited and lawful, together with morality, until
they become chiefs of communities, in whatever places they may find
shelter; hence (it may be deduced that) he who causes to be done is
greater and more honorable than he who does. Seeing this great
phenomenon, of which there has not been the like for centuries upon
centuries, and his great wisdom in all and for all, to his friends
and acquaintances I say that clear are the courses of the river of
his wisdom, and that he has force and vigor. I say, let not his
erudition be enclosed in a corner, notwithstanding his pure humility,
and notwithstanding that titles and ranks of dignity have no
importance to him; everyone should take hold of him as a shield and
buckler, and thus the inhabitants of the world will see how great is
the office of the law.
Therefore my heart tells me, and I
have the word (ready) on my tongue, to exalt him and to crown him,
throughout the regions of Israel, with the Rabbinic cloak of royalty,
for to him pertains the firstborn's share; and with the assent of the
Heavenly King and of the Tanna and Amora‡,
I place my two hands upon him and invest him with a glorious crown,
and I authorize him to be called to the Torah with the title of "the
most excellent, learned, intelligent, and wise Signor Samuel David
Luzzatto (Magnalad Achacham)6;
this is an honor that comes of its own accord to one who bears the
heavy weight; let this be done so that all the Community of Israel
may hear and say, "This is the Law, and this its recompense."
And now, with palms stretched forth to
Heaven in awe, I pray that God may render great and mighty the
Professor of His just law, and that He raise him to all the
rabbinical degrees in abundant and overflowing measure, with long
life, plentiful sustenance, and riches of every kind. Amen, may this
be His will.
These are the words of the weak voice
of the one who is placed in the position of religious authority here
in Gorizia and its environs, who writes and subscribes with his seal,
today, the first of the month of Iyyar of this year (whose number is
derived from numerical value of the plene form of the word
biyrushalayim in the verse [Zech. 2:16]), "And He shall
again choose Jerusalem" ([5]598).
The words of the Hebrew servant whose
name is Abraham Reggio.
1 "Tornidor"
is evidently the Trieste dialect's equivalent of the standard
Italian "tornitore," meaning "turner" or
"woodworker." This was the occupation of Hezekiah
Luzzatto, Shadal's father. The family lived at 1306 Contrada
Pondares in Trieste.
2 Porto
(1834-1918) was a student of Shadal at the Collegio Rabbinico.
3 In
the original, "Sua Magnalad," a combination of
Hebrew and Italian; magnalad is the Italian Jewish
pronunciation of ma'alat.
4 Emphasis
in the original as transcribed by Isaia Luzzatto.
5 Nestor,
a character in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, came to be a proverbial
figure of an elder statesman and wise counselor.
Names of wise men in the time of Solomon, see I Kings 5:11 [note
by M. Coen Porto].
‡ "Tanna"
is the author of the Mishnah and "Amora" is the author of
the Gemara; here this means, with the assent of the greatest
celebrated Rabbis [note by M. Coen Porto].
6 The
Italian Jewish pronunciation of ma'alat ha-hakham, "the
exalted scholar," i.e. Rabbi.