Friday, January 20, 2012


Blogger did something to the comments recently. Aside for the fact that I don't like the default font (I'll see if I can change it) two people told me that they can no longer comment. Gosh, thanks Blogger. But I want to know if this is a more widespread problem. If you have found that you aren't able to comment anymore then clearly you can't say so in the comment, so please do me a favor and email me. Thanks.

And because this post is boring, here's something which isn't - A Yiddish poem trying to get kids to feel good about their nose, and teaching them to drink milk at the same time. (Or, unintentionally teaching them not to drink milk is probably more like it):

From Edward A. Portnoy's PhD dissertation "The creation of a Jewish cartoon space in the New York and Warsaw Yiddish press, 1884--1939."


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