Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lithuania in New York - a rabbinic visit to Syracuse in 1929

Here's a notice about Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz's visit to Syracuse in July 1929, with his son-in-law R. Reuven Grozovski.

Their portrait appeared in the Syracuse Herald in July 1926 as well:


  1. Back then meshulachim knew how to learn. I wonder if we will eventually learn that even those great rabbinical talents spent an inordinate amount of their time fund raising.

  2. Rabbi Yalow (middle figure) later became the father-in-law of Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (1921–2011), the co-winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for development of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique.

  3. Here's another mention, bottom right

  4. There would have been the visit described in "All for the Boss," right?

  5. That would also be the visit with the (alleged) Bialik encounter.
    R. Yalow (or Yaluv) was an interesting blend. He was of Lithuanian yeshiva background but was close with Chabad.
    A responsum in משנת ר' אהרן is addressed to him but the name is misspelled.

  6. R. Yalow has a responsum addressed to him from R. Moshe Feinstein (recorded in Yoreh Deah II no. 107) dated 1963 about whether someone can accept a job as principal of the Talmud Torah of a Conservative synagogue.

    He also submitted a RFC in the Torah Journal Hamaor in 1952 about a rabbinic colleague who could only muster up a minyan in his congregation on friday nights in the winter if services were held after sundown - whether that would be an acceptable practice.

    He also wrote a responsum published in Hadarom in 1960 defending the practice of allowing a mehallel shabbat to do birkat kohanim (provided that he is not alone).

    Seems like he dealt with many of the issues that a rav of a small-time community in America in the mid 20th cent. had to contend with.

  7. Wondering if r' MacDowell possibly has any material in his archives on the Northeast NY history, I have some family from there (Albany area) ? Sure there's what to find in any locale from those times of a frummer oilam somewhat..
    Would love to see some posts on that.
    Thanks in advance!

  8. His volume of Teshuvot called Shalmei Shmuel (which include the responsum from R. Moshe and probably the others you mention as well) was hailed in it's time (1968) as an important new addition to the Rabbinic world for precisely the reason you mention. They were concise and cogent Halakhic formulations for the contemporary small town Rabbi.

  9. I couldn't find any of his seforim online or on Where did you access them, perhaps Otzar HaChochma? Also i read elsewhere that he also authored books entitled Minchas Shmuel- would that perhaps be in error?

  10. His Minchat Shmuel came out first, it is his chiddushim on shas. I came across the hard copies but I checked the online version of Otzar Hachochma and they have them both. You can view the first 40 pages for free. Check it out.

  11. Thanks for the clarification
