Wednesday, September 18, 2013

An imaginary portrait of the Ramchal as a young man

I mocked up this whimsical portrait of Rabbi Moses Hayyim Luzzatto to hang up in your Sukkah. Sadly, no true portrait of this personality exists - I took some (some??) poetic license in imagining him. This actually is a Northern Italian youth, albeit one born 200 years before Ramhal. Something about his face made him seem appropriate, even if the clothes aren't. The other elements are... at least from the 18th century.

Gut yontif, Chag sameach!


  1. Looks to me more like a refugee from a Harry Potter novel. But thank you for having the decency to cover his head. Maybe by next year you will be able to assemble six more of these to complete a set of new Ushpizin.

  2. Based on the fact that he's buttoned up to the chin, which somehow fits Ramchal, I'd say you only took some liberties and not some!!

  3. Are you sure that's not his sister?

  4. Given a couple of years, I'm sure this will be regarded as the most authoritative portrait of Ramchal, appearing on his Wikipedia page, included in his CIS Publishers biography, and displayed colorfully on the covers of the newest editions of Mesilas Yesharim.

  5. No, it's about 20 years too late for that. If S had done this in the '80s that might have happened, and if it had been as far back as the '60s it wouldn't be at all unreasonable, but now this post exists, and will continue to exist in the Wayback Machine, and will be found by casual searches, so no.

  6. The charadim will not be challnged by kfira found on internet!

  7. A head covering?!
