Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Would you like fries with that?

Or whatever they say.

McDonald's. Thanks, Google.


  1. You allow treif onto this blog?!!!

  2. I'm loving it.

    Some years ago when I was in Yerushalayim, McD's was kosher, just not mehadrin. So we went to Burger King instead.

    S., nu, check last week's email already.

  3. I think he's overdressed for work, but that's just my opinion.

  4. In our old shul, there was an architect, named Ranald Hay. His father's family was Scottish, and yes, the Hays were part of Clan MacDonald, so some of us called him Ranald MacDanald.

    His in-laws lived on LI Sound in CT; I wonder if their house survived Sandy?

  5. In our old shul, there was an architect, named Ranald Hay. His father's family was Scottish, and yes, the Hays were part of Clan MacDonald, so some of us called him Ranald MacDanald.

    His in-laws lived on LI Sound in CT; I wonder if their house survived Sandy?
