Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A million impresses me

I noticed that, statistically speaking, good old OTML exceeded 1 million page views. By the looks of it, this momentous moment occurred a couple of days ago.

Now I know that 1 million is kind of small internetally speaking. I know this blog is a small fish in a small pond. Or maybe it's a good sized fish in a somewhat niche corner. And it's been years. Still - a MILLION. Nice.


  1. And without politics or porn! That is quite a lot.

  2. Yasher Koach.

    Reminds me of the joke. If you are one in a million in China, there are another thousand just like you.

    Keep up the excellent work.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You should be proud. You've got one of the most consistently fascinating sites around. Truly a gem. Keep it up, man.

  5. Mazal Tov! From LFD on vacation at Dan Klein's house. Wish you could come here too!

  6. On the web, cream doesn't always rise to the surface. In your case, however, it certainly does.

    Another fan...

  7. Isn't "a million" a number of significance only among the umos ha'olam? You should have been trembling with ikv'sa dim'shicha as soon as your wonderful 'blog hit 600000 views :).

  8. Taking a moment out of hosting LFD's family to wish you a mazal tov. Who gets the valuable prize for being the millionth viewer?

  9. Mazel Tov. I have to agree with the "Anonymous" about the content. I am often tempted to reference scandals, non-tsnius issues, and aveios by Frum individuals in the titles and content of my posting, just to see if the number of views would jump up.

    Others tend to highlight what is wrong within our community and you take the high road and actually add to my knowledge. Thanks.

  10. Till a hundred and twenty. Mazal Tov!

  11. Mazal tov. May you continue to go from chayil to chayil.

  12. Thanks for all that you do and keep it up! This blog is really singular in the diversity and consistency of insightful topics that it explores.

  13. I'll bet you didn't know that the numeric value of בין הלכה להשכלה in gematria is a million. Not really. It's 999,999.

    Thank you for a consistently excellent blog, a genuine wellspring of knowledge, much appreciated by many. ישר כוחך!

  14. Chazak u'baruch.
    This is a credit not only to your fascinating content but to the thoughtful tone, constructive atmosphere and general derech eretz in which the discussions here are conducted and maintained. It's no small feat. Please keep up the great work.

  15. Your blog is unique, and of great interest and value. What amazes me, is the continues finds and discoveries, your a well of knowledge. Keep it up!

  16. Your blog is unique, and of great interest and value. What amazes me, is the continues finds and discoveries, your a well of knowledge. Keep it up!

  17. If only you got a dollar for every page view....

  18. I agree with what Abul Bannat said about the tone and derech eretz found in the discussions here.
    I also like to notice when choose to ignore comments, that's a skill few bloggers have.
    Chazak V'Emutz.

  19. מזל טוב!
    and lot's of nachas...

  20. Wow! That's a number.

    You always made me wonder where in the world does our Freddy unearth such gems from? You got a real feel for our nations history.

    I have to disagree on the politics bit though, if only by a timeline. True you don't get involved in current rubbish, but some of the history made me realize that rabbinical or koholishe machloikes are no chidush amongst Jews.
