Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On stringency

Here's an interesting haskamah.


  1. Nothing new here. There are those who can't rest easy in Torah unless they can find ways to make things difficult because, to their way of seeing things, this makes HaShem happy.

  2. Interesting, that although yevamos is part of the "yeshivish machzor", daf 117 isn't. Maybe this is part of the reason it isn't?

  3. Yossi, maybe you knew that, but how often do you see that in print from someone who is, shall we say, not generally seen as a critic?

  4. It brings to mind the Mishna Brura introduction:
    וכאשר ירצה האדם תמיד להחמיר בדבר ג"ז איננו דרך כבושה כי פעמים רבות הוא חומרא דאתי לידי קולא.

  5. Abul Bannat:

    The Mishna Brura is saying that one shouldn't just go after chumros BECAUSE it might, Chas V'shalom, lead to a KULAH, and THAT would be terrible. The MB is the one responsible for the proliferation of Chumrah today. He, time and again, tells you that the basic halacha is such and such BUT one should be machmir.

  6. This is a startling and borderline subversive comment by Rav Frank, a great Torah Giant. He is implicitly acknowledging that poskim have "agendas" and that they don't just let the chips fall where they may. Not a ringing endorsement of the objectivity of the true TK. Methinks that the Chazon Ish (אמונה ובטחון) would argue vociferously.

  7. Methinks that regardless of what the Chazon Ish said in Emunah U'Bitachon, Rav Frank spoke what he saw as the truth and allowed the chips to fall where they may...
