Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hebrew prayers for three condemned Jews, 1739.

Here's a pamphlet of a Hebrew prayer that a Dutch Clergyman named Willem Muilman prayed for three Jews who were sentenced to death and executed in the Hague in 1739. The Dutch translation is included. You can download the entire thing here: Gebed Van Willem Muilman Voor Drie Misdaadige - תפלה לגוליעלם מולמן בעד שלשת מרעים.

Here are some sample pages.



  1. dsds? Is that some kind of לחש? ;-)

  2. Haha, no. It's something that usually gets hidden behind the curtain.

  3. Can you tell us what the three men were accused of doing?

  4. I wasn't able to discover it. Neither their names nor their crimes are mentioned. To be honest, I didn't research it very much though, because this is sort of a place holder type post. When I have the time - soon, I hope - I plan to revisit it and see if I can find out exactly what occurred.

  5. Miss Fred S:

    His portrait and some biographical info here:

    Did you notice the X-ian content and references in the prayer?

  6. The first two verses and the final pretty much quote pesukim verbatim, but the third is an anomaly to me:

    אך התודעת כאל ישועה ואל לפושעות ולך למות תוצאות

    Evenwel hebt gy u bekent gemaakt als een God van zaligheid ja een God van volkomene zaligheid en by u zyn uitkomsten tegen den dood.

    I Googled it and didn't come up with anything comprehensible.

    Google translates it (after some fiddling around):

    "However, you have made ​​known to you as a God of salvation so a God of perfect bliss, and by you his findings against the death."

    Anyway. I would guess it's some sort of Christian reference. He was, after all, a Christian clergyman. And ישועה is always telling.

  7. The body of the prayer (pp. 8 & 10 - see the googlebooks link) makes express reference to J and his mother.

  8. Dov, I'm sure it's a reference to

    האל לנו אל למושעות ולד' ה' למות תוצאות

    Tehillim 68:21.
