Wednesday, February 02, 2011

A Kovno convert.

Recently Google and Yad Vashem announced that Google has digitized 130,000 photos and helped Yad Vashem put them online. Furthermore, Google doesn't do anything half-baked, so they also used the latest ocr technology to make a great deal of the text included in some of these photos searchable.

Here's a picture of the Baal Shem Tov, apparently brought to us by the power of the bagel:

I found an interesting photograph of someone named Izak ben Avraham, a ger in Kovno:

EDIT: If you're interested, keep checking this post, as I will keep adding things I found interesting. This is R. Koppel Charif, the great British-Jewish historian Charles Duschinsky's ancestor:


  1. Excuse my ignorance but what does Kocho shel baigel mean?

  2. Notice that the caption says that the picture of the Besht is from the 16th century?

  3. Mar G-- the Besht stories involve kefitzas haderech; why not kefitzas hazman?

  4. Mar Gavriel

    Good eye. But it is pretty obvious it's a typo, as the caption directly underneath the picture says it's from the 18th century.

  5. Bagel mystery solved?

    "In the 18th century, the Baal Shem Tov promoted Chasidism with parables about the bagel."
