Tuesday, March 02, 2010

What might Rabbi Yisrael Salanter have looked like? Pt. ii

Thanks to Neil Harris of the Modern Uberdox blog who kindly emailed me a link to a Lipkin (Salanter) geneology site called Branches of Mussar.

Below are two photographs of Rabbi Yitzchak Lipkin (d. 1905), son of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter:

This follows up an earlier post which contained a younger photo:

In addition, please see a great post by Neil, where he really pulled out all stops to present a translation of a German biography from 1899.


  1. Oy, quickly photoshop it, the buttons are on the wrong side!

  2. No, Shimon, he was a misnaged. Of course he's dressed like that. I mean a tie?

  3. looks like he's blind in one eye..?

  4. 1. So what? The Chareidi world of today doesn't differentiate!

    2. And the Alter of Slobodka was Chassidish? As was the Netziv, Rav Chaim Brisker or Chazon Ish (and countless others)?

  5. for some reason i have thought he looked totally different...

  6. I took a mechanical engineering class at GA Tech. The class was all about linkages. The professor was Harvey Lipkin. Rav Salanter's son, Yom Tov Lipman, also was into linkages. I thought that was such a great coincidence, I had to find out if they were related. Unfortunately, he was unable to find any connection, and it is unlikely that Yom Tov Lipman even had any children.
    Not sure what good a picture of my prof will help, but here it is anyway:

  7. Anon, yes, it looks like he was blind in one eye.

    Shimon, I have never heard of a hakpadah on the part of non-Chassidim to only wear clothes with the buttons on the left side.

    Anon, I don't think Yom Tov married, but your professor could have been anyway. Or not.

  8. I, too, don't recall reading that Yom Tov had married.

  9. The first two pictures don't resemble the third picture at all! Maybe it's not the same person?

  10. I completely disagree; look again. The first two pictures look just like the man in the third picture aged a couple of decades. In addition, you can see that the man is blind in the left eye in both (which anon pointed out above).

  11. I did, and still don't see the resemblance. The shape of the eyes in the first two, is different than in the third, and so is the nose. Also note the slightly curly hair in the third, versus the straight hair in the first two.
    Though aging a few decades changes the features a bit, the basic features stay the same. They don't become remarkably different.

  12. Another important point. Rabbi Yitzchok Lipkin moved to Yerushalayim in his later years. There he (re?)married and bore a son R' Aryeh Leib, whose son was R' Chaim Yitzchok. The dress in the 2nd picture definitely doesn't fit the typical way of dressing in Yerushalayim in those days. Food for thought.

  13. I browsed in the Salanter site that you posted above, and I'm almost sure that it's actually two different people. I'll try to e-mail you my proofs.

  14. I sent. What do you say?

  15. Hello all...I am the owner of the Branches of Mussar site. While it is nice to find such a man as Rav Salanter in your ancestry...I am more interested in MY ancestry than in being his descendant. The two pics of the older Yitzchok Lipkin are indeed of Yitzchok Lipkin...but, are they of a different Yitzchok Lipkin? I would be very interested in seeing the proofs you speak of about these being two different men.

  16. The EJ 1971 has apicture of Lipman Lipkin a son of rav Yisroel.

  17. The Lipman Lipkin portrait is from the first volume of He-asiph pg 263 (link.

  18. Perhaps you'd like to do a post on the Lipkin linkage, which Anonymous above refers to. http://kmoddl.library.cornell.edu/tutorials/05/
