Monday, January 11, 2010


You may have noticed that haloscan bit the dust. I don't like its replacement, I don't like the fact that it is trying to force users to pay for it in order to keep the old comments. Truly, if I at least liked Echo's new format I would just upgrade. But I don't, so I'm not. At least not yet.

I have all the old comments saved, and theoretically they can be reapplied just as soon as I figure out how. Of course it's possible that I may cave and just upgrade to Echo. In the meantime, please try out Blogger's commenting system. I hope I have made it as painless as possible -- you don't need to enter captchas to post or any of the other hoops one sometimes encounters. Please let me know if this format works for you, if you prefer popup comments or anything else you'd like to add.


  1. Second!

    One problem already: evidently you can't cut + paste text unless you're logged in, and that is not good at all.

  2. I'm looking into how to merge Haloscan comments into blogger format. I'm not sure if it is possible, but it might be. They are both in XML format, and it might just take some programming. I'm swamped at work now, and is it might be a few weeks, but I'll let you know if I figure it out.

  3. Thanks, Bruce. I figured that eventually someone would figure it out. You'd be a big blogging hero if you did!

  4. Well, I guess I was the last man ever to haloscan comment on your blog, after all.

  5. Whoops. The above, 'twas me.


  6. Eighth! Eighth!

    And, I can cut and post. But I'm signed into Google which might make a difference - even though I'm not commenting on this as a person signed into Google.

  7. Right, you have to be signed into google. However, I found a workaround, which is that after you log in to post the comment you can then edit it and add copy+paste text. Annoying, but it's possible.


  8. Thank you for resisting Echo. It's killing the experience of reading other blogs for me.

  9. Thank you for thanking me. This is more primitive than haloscan, but at least it's not an "upgrade" which is worse, which is holding 17,000 comments hostage. With luck someone will see the void that was left by haloscan's absence, which isn't filled by Echo, and will develop a clone or something similar to haloscan. Truth is, I owe thanks to haloscan for providing such a great, free service all these years (more than 4.5 in my case).
